Wildlife centres
Wild&Free's projects are carefully selected by Geraldine. The first criteria is to understand how successful the wildlife centres are in their rehabilitation and release programs, the second criteria is to have a clear project when we first fundraise for them so we know exactly where your donations go. After the first project, you are welcome to donate to these projects as ongoing support.
In all scenario, 100% of donations made to projects are transferred to the beneficiaries.
Click on the location icon below to read about a specific project or browse the page to discover them all.
Raising awareness plays a crucial part of our charity work. We educate the public about:
- the causes that bring animals to rehabilitation centres in the first place such as wildlife trade, habitat destruction, poaching and cruelty;
- the importance of keeping wildlife in the wild;
- how technology can be used as an ethical and alternative viewing of wildlife in their natural habitat;
- and of course, our work, our achievement and passion!
We use Social Media channels, organise events and talk to schools to reach a large audience of all ages and nationalities.
Our project with AFeWis in Tanzania

Save Elephants with Bees
Project 1 running period: November 2020 - December 2021
Donated: £5256 sent for 100 beehives
Project 2: From May 2022
Status: ongoing, £4930 raised for 74 beehives
Target: £5500 for 100 beehives
Elephants and bees are not friends, and this is precisely what can save those gentle giants.
Elephants do not care about borders and cross the boundaries of National Parks by breaking down fences into farmers’ lands to feast on their crops like maize, beans, banana plantations and so forth. Angry to loose their source of income but also in physical danger, farmers want to poison or kill the pachyderms.
AFeWis (Alert for Endangered Wildlife Species) is resolving this human/wildlife conflict between farmers and elephants by installing beehives along the borders of National Parks where villages are most at risk. This way, when elephants approach the National Park boundaries, the disturbed bees attack and elephants simply turn around as they are afraid of bees. They say elephants remember…and they certainly do, they do not come back to these areas. It only cost £55 to build and install a beehive. By donating to this project, you will have your name or one of your choice on one of the beehive, what a wonderful legacy! You also receive a sponsorship certificate and of course updates on the project. Purchase your beehive now for yourself, a loved one or as a gift on the shop.
Our project with Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary in Liberia

Emergency funds for Pangolins and Primate Food and Care
Project running period: April 2020 - August 2021
Status: Fundraising closed
Target: £3790 (> 3 months of food)
Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary is the only rehabilitation centre in Liberia and neighbouring countries, making their work absolutely critical for wildlife conservation.
Since their opening on May 6, 2017, 389 animals have been rescued, including 56 pangolins and 190 released. They currently care for 4 baby pangolins called Pangopups, 56 monkeys and 40 other animals.
The cost of food for these animals is usually covers by the small entrance fee ($5) of the centre that you can visit at specific hours. However, due to the countries lockdown, this vital funding has suddenly dropped to zero. It costs $1200 per month to feed the animals at the centre, so if you can make a small donation, be assured that 100% of your money will go to this centre.
Thank you very much in advance!
Photo credit: @LiWiSa
All our projects in Sumatra

Remembering Salma and saving Sumatran Elephants
in the Leuser Ecosystem
Project running period: November 2019 - April 2020
Status: Fundraising closed
Target: £7087
The story of Salma has touched the hearts of thousands people all over the world and the recent news of her passing on the 7th of February 2020 has broken them.
Back in June 2019, Salma, a one year old baby Sumatran elephant, was found in a hole in the forest of the Leuser Ecosystem, North Sumatra, with her left front foot trapped in a poachers snare. Her family had left her but luckily the Conservation Response Unit (CRU) of FKL rescued her and brought her to their field station to rehabilitate her.
I met Salma 3 weeks after her rescue and felt incredibly sad for her, but I was filled with the hope that she would be returned to her family after getting stronger. Seeing CRU team in their daily mission to protect endangered Sumatran wildlife and their home was very inspiring and their efficiency truly impressive. I decided that Wild & Free would raise funds to support their work, and in particular to return Salma to her family in the forest.
This was the most successful campaign from Wild&Free, yet the ultimate goal will never happen. Salma's passing cannot be vain and we have the duty to protect her family, species as a whole continue to support the people on the ground who tirelessly work to protect Sumatran elephants and the Leuser Ecosystem. This is the last place on Earth home to Sumatran elephants orangutans, rhinos and tigers too.

Photo credit: @ISCP
Medical equipment for Slow loris treatment at ISCP centre
Project running period: February - October 2020
Status: Fundraising closed
Target: £1626
Slow lorises are undeniably a very cute small primate, but sadly, this is also the reason for the majority of their rescue. Often illegally kept by villagers as pets in poor condition, the slow loris suffers mistreatment, bad diet, becomes weak and without confiscation by ISCP /BKSDA North Sumatra to be brought to a rehabilitation centre, may not survive long. ISCP is a small centre that saves these primates and every species in need. Since their establishment in March 2016, ISCP has saved 53 lorises and 42 of them have been re-released in the forests of Sumatra. The centre was completed in August 2017 and is relying on donations to continue their work. In order to operate to the high standard that is required when treating sick and injured animals, ISCP urgently needs medical equipment to ensure the survival of rescued slow lorises and other local North Sumatran wildlife. Geraldine has been talking with Rudianto, Director of ISCP, to better understand how Wild&Free could help. She also visited ISCP in July 2019.
Thank you all so much for your donations, ISCP were able to buy many urgent and important material for the care of Slow Loris, which has been shared on Social Media and in the campaign.
All our projects in Borneo

Quarantine enclosure & Education program
at COP Rehabilitation centre
Project running period: From January 2018
Status: Always ongoing
Target: £3511 including £2648 for the enclosure and
£864 for COP education program
Untung, Novi, Leci and Unyil (photo) were ready to be released by the Centre for Orangutan Protection in Borneo. At the time when our fundraising launched, they were waiting on the pre-release island as there was no quarantine enclosure for them to go as the last stage before their release. This enclosure is to ensure they are not only fit and healthy but to protect against the spread of any disease they may be carrying, which could be catastrophic if it were not contained and treated. If they could not leave the island then the younger orangutans cannot progress to the next stage in their rehabilitation. This then meant there is no room in forest school for any new arrivals. Orangutan Appeal UK asked Wild&Free to support this project and we are committed to help. The quarantine enclosure have been built and all four orangutans have been safely released.
Thank you all so much for your support!

Photo credit: @BOS Foundation
Baby house for orphaned Orangutans at
Nyaru Menteng Rehabilitation centre
Project running period: November 2015 - April 2016
Status: Fundraising closed
Achievement: £1,508.13
Indonesia has known the worst fires since July 2015 that have destroyed forests, wildlife and the land of their inhabitants suffering serious health problems. A few parts have been saved and the country is now on a long journey to recovery. Nyaru Menteng centre rehabilitation centre for orang-utans located in central Kalimatan, consequently sees an increase in orang-utans rescues. They need to build a new baby house to care for all the traumatised and orphaned, sick and injured, old and young orang-utans. We consolidated effort with Orangutan Outreach to contribute to this project. Nyaru Menteng's rehabilitation program successfully return orang-utans back to the wild with a 92% survival rate.
Our project with Save Vietnam's Wildlife in Vietnam

Photo credit: @Save Vietnam's Wildlife
Pangolins' release in Vietnam
Project running period: From January 2018
Status: still ongoing
Target: £1250
The pangolin isn't a well known wild animal, yet it has gained the heart-breaking status of being the most trafficked mammal in the world. These gentle anteaters are wanted for their meat considered a delicacy and their scales used for Chinese medicine. Despite having no proof of their 'super power', and because pangolin scales powder intake has no undesired effect, the illegal trade of pangolins is relentless and growing stronger. It is estimated that a pangolin is taken from the wild every 5 minutes! Their population in the wild isn't known, but it is unquestionable that they are being decimated. 4 species of Pangolins are found in Africa and and 4 in Asia, all are endangered and critically endangered.
Wild&Free decided to support SVW as it is a small centre with a huge impact. No rescue is too small, too far, or not worth going for. Every animal is given a chance and when possible, safely released back to the wild. Considered best in class for their fantastic job, SVW is a centre that we will continue to support on an ongoing support. Be sure that 100% of your donation to the Sunda and Chinese pangolins will go to SVW. Many thanks for your support.
All our projects with Wildtracks in Belize

Donate to Geoffroy's Spider monkeys rehabilitiation and release
Project running period: July 2016 - August 2017
Status: Fundraising closed
Achievement: £10 002 raised in total: £4500 raised to cover the cost of the soft release enclosures where the spider monkey troop will learn about their new environment before being able to roam free in the Fireburn forest of Belize. Thank you all so much who donated and supported this fundraising! An extra £5502.17 single donation was also sent to Wildtracks.
For the first time in Belize, a troop of rehabilitated Geoffroy's Spider monkeys will be released by Wildtracks rehabilitation centre.
This is a phenomenal event for this endangered species, sadly victim of the illegal pet trade and often handed to the centre when orphaned and in extremely poor conditions. However through the dedicated work from the team, these beautiful monkeys now have a chance to live in their natural habitat in a protected forest of Belize.The cost of this release is huge as everything needs to be set up from scratch and needs to cover: release site assessment, soft release enclosures for this release and beyond, transport boxes, release and post monitoring team program, equipment, facilities for a year.
Donate to Yucatan black howler monkeys rehabilitation and release
Project running period: March 2015 - May 2015
Status: Fundraising closed
Achievement: £1,863.59 raised to support the release of 3
troops of Yucatan black Howler monkeys at the Fireburn release site in Belize. This corresponds to 81% of the total amount needed to cover the release and post-release monitoring.
Wildtracks is another "best practice" rehabilitation centre that rescues, rehabilitates and reintroduces all three endangered species: Antillean manatees, Geoffroy's spider monkeys and Yucatan back howler monkeys back to their native habitats. In june 2015, 3 troops of Howler monkeys will be released in an area away from humans, in fact only accessible by boat. Having previously successfully released these monkeys with 95% success rate, we are very keen to not only support Wildtracks but also share their rehabilitation protocols soon. Please help us saving these beautiful animals.
Watch the video of the three releases here!
Our project with Liga para a Protecção da Natureza in Portugal

Iberian Lynx habitat restoration
Project running period: August 2015 - December 2015
Status: Fundraising closed
Achievement: £1,238.95 raised
The Iberian Lynx is the world's most endangered feline species with an estimated number of 250 left in the wild. If current trends continue it could easily become extinct within the next decade, becoming the first feline extinction in 2000 years.
The Iberian Lynx can be found in Portugal and Spain. It's main diet is the European rabbit but a sharp drop in the population as a result of two diseases, contributed to the feline's decline. Other threats to the Iberian Lynx include loss of habitat to human development, hunting and road accidents.
We helped Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN) based in Portugal to continue the work completed during the LIFE project over 4 years to restore the Iberian Lynx habitat. The habitat needs to be maintened, the animals monitored and not only does the Iberian Lynx benefit from it, but an important and endangered species the Black Vulture too.
While other conservation efforts focus on captive breeding and releases, which has an uncertain outcome, the team focuses on creating a sustainable habitat for the Lynx including the release of its favorite prey and ensuring the rabbits can live, eat and reproduce too.
Photo credit: @LukeMassey
All our projects with Riverside Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in South Africa

Chacma baboons release
Project running period: December 2014 - February 2015
Status: Fundraising closed
Achievement: £3,300 raised.
Chacma baboons, like Vervet monkeys, are misunderstood primates, persecuted by humans with many taken from the wild to join a life of misery in laboratories, or mothers often killed to keep their babies as a pet. They are very social animals living in troops up to 200 individuals. Riverside Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre has successfully released 19 troops of Vervet monkeys and 1 troop of Chacma baboons to date, both around the size of around 25 individuals with an incredible 97% success rate. The next troop to be released will count 80 Chacma baboons! This has never been done in any rehabilitation centres around the world. Geraldine, like many other volunteers, has been caring for orphaned baboons, and monitoring the growing individuals in their enclosure at the centre. Along with many volunteers, she will help to prepare the release of this troop. Updates coming soon, stay tuned!
Read more about Chacma baboons step by step rehabilitation process here. And don't forget to watch the National geographic video about the previous baboon release.

Vervet monkeys release
Project running period: ​July - September 2014
Status: Fundraising closed
Achievement: £4,425 raised
Vervet Monkeys rescued by Riverside Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre immediately start their rehabilitation journey with the ultimate goal of being released back to their native habitat. It's a long journey for them as each individual needs to integrate a troop and learn to live in this complex hierarchical structure as well as all essential survival skills. To date, Riverside has sucessfully released 19 Vervet monkey troops, which is a fantastic achievement. Post releases assessment enable to confirm the success of a release when the troop is observed as still cohesive and thriving. Geraldine decided to start a fundraising to fully fund the 20th Vervet monkey troop even before Wild & Free was a UK registered charity. It has been a success and we cannot wait to inform and show all our donors how the troop they help going back to nature are doing. Riverside is our Best practice organisation for the rehabilitation and release of Vervet monkeys.